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Dammit Janet
Dammit Janet
Entering Frank's Castle
Entering Frank's Castle
The Sword Of Damocles
The Sword Of Damocles
Sex Scenes
Sex Scenes
Toucha Toucha Touch Me
Toucha Toucha Touch Me
Floor Show/ Rose Tint My World
Floor Show/ Rose Tint My World
Frank's Castle Being Destroyed
Frank's Castle Being Destroyed
Written by Richard O'Brien
Conceptual Scene Design by Samantha Tutasi
With theater, we as spectators have to understand that what is being presented to us is up to visual interpretation, and our minds must accept when we are being told an object or body is meant to represent something it clearly is not. Specifically in improvisational theater and more abstract works, we must suspend our disbelief in order to engage further with the content being presented to us, which is an ideology that is pushed to its inevitable destruction in Rocky Horror Show. We travel between the metaphorical realm of what is fabricated and what is existing, and learn to adapt to unexpected circumstances in order for the spectacle to reach its full potential, which is represented through the two worlds of the cinematic experience and the world of live theater. 

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